VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART B, 2017, pp. 41 – 50 Full text (Bg)
Author: Rousi Nikolov, Madzhed Husein
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Medical University of Plovdiv
A new approach is presented here, as well as a new software tool for plotting vowels – a technique as simple as the F2/F1 vowel space mapping but perceptually more adequate. The formants taken into account in acoustic analysis of vowels are more often reduced to their two first distinctive frequency components. However, the role of F3 is known to be significant in the perception of certain vowel contrasts, and this role is particularly important when it comes to contrastive analysis of Bulgarian and French vowels. The new technique was applied to account for the interactions between prosthetic treatment and speech function in Bulgarian-speaking patients.
Key words: Acoustic Analysis, Third Vowel Formant, NLP Software Tools, Prosthetic Dentistry