VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART A, 2017, pp. 198 – 210 Full text (Bg)
Author: Hristiana Krasteva
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
The main goal of the article is to review problems connected with the word order of the wh-words in Bulgarian interrogative sentences with whwords, the solutions proposed in the reviewed literature, the factors giving rise to these problems, and the opportunities for future research on the topic. Main problematic areas of interest hereby are semantic characteristics and affiliation of the wh-words to a lexical-morphological subclass; the syntactic function of the wh-words; multiple wh-fronting in the CP in simple and complex sentences.
Key words: wh-questions, word order, Superiority effect, Specificity, multiple wh-fronting