When a manuscript is first received, it undergoes initial screening for adherence to our formatting standards. The manuscript is accepted only if it follows NTFFPU submission requirements.

The next step is checking for plagiarism. The University of Plovdiv owns licensed StrikePlagiarism software.

After this the Editor-in-Chief makes an initial judgment about the suitability of the manuscript for NTFFPU. Papers that do not fall within the scope of the edition or do not align with the academic standards and goals of NTFFPU will be rejected at this point.

Each manuscript that passes this initial editorial review is sent consequently to at least two reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for choosing the reviewers with assistance from a specialist of the Operational Team of the board in each field. After evaluating an article, the reviewer submits a completed Peer Review Evaluation Form with publishing recommendations to the editorial office. The review clearly states one of four options about the manuscript:

  • accept without changes;
  • accept subject to minor corrections;
  • accept subject to major modifications;
  • reject.

Each review must be completed within 10 days. When the manuscript review process is completed, reviewers’ and editors’ comments are sent back to the author. If an author is asked to resubmit the manuscript with changes after minor or major revisions and response to comments, the revised manuscript and the author’s responses are sent back to the reviewer for further review. Accepted manuscripts are still subject to editorial review and revision.

The Editor-in-Chief, in partnership with NTFFPU Editorial Board, makes the final publication decision. Editorial decisions are based on objective academic criteria and are not affected by the race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs of the authors.